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Our Values

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Our Principles

Equal Opportunity Statement

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Our values are what we define to be the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of our organization that we deem to be worthy and on which we place a high priority.


Building character, trust and confidence in all our relationships through honesty, commitment and the courage to do what is right.  Honorable in our intent.


Steadfast and relentless in the pursuit of our mission and objectives.  Indomitable in our spirit.

Positive Attitude

Taking a positive, supportive, optimistic, enthusiastic and proactive position in our words and actions.


Being vigilant and individually and collectively responsible for the impact of our actions on resources, the people we serve, and each other.

Continuous Improvement

Continuously finding innovative and visionary ways to provide better, improved products and services.  Always seeking to enhance our knowledge base through education and personal development.

Open Communication

Creating a culture in which people are sincere, they feel confident and at ease in challenging issues and opinions; they listen and information is shared openly, clearly, and timely - both internally and externally.


Commitment to service and contribution to our customers, to our staff, and the organization.

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An Equal Opportunity Employer and Program Administrator

Copyright © 2003-2025 Afghan Small Business Development Institute, Inc.